Resources and Groups

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Versione del 5 ago 2019 alle 09:35 di Luca.pandolfo (discussione | contributi) (Resource Definition)

itmSUITE® manage resources and Groups as way to profile the user to the System.

Resource is linked to a User and can belongs to a different Groups. Group is used to profile the resources and assign to them different roles in the system.

The main point treated in the guide are:

  1. Resource Management process
  2. Group Management process

Resource Management process

The following table report the process the resource is involved

Resource Management Description
Resource Definition See below
Add Resource to Group See below
Add Resource to Project / Service Resource on Project
Enable a Resource on Service Catalogue Request (SRCS) SRCS Management
Timesheet declaration Timesheet Management
Synchronization User & Resource with Active Directory User and Resource Synchronization

Resource Definition

Manage the Resource is the entry point of Human management at the system. Resource can be associate to a User’, so he/she has a login or can be a standalone resource.

Resource management is done by a Manager Role, using the Resources/ Resources This session enables the Manager / Administrator to: Add, Copy and filter

To perform the copy of the Resource is necessary to select an existing Resource.

The Resource form presents nine tabs:

  1. General
  2. Address
  3. Document
  4. Configuration Items
  5. Project / Service
  6. Service Request
  7. Groups
  8. Privileges
  9. Cost Items

here below the list of fields present into the General tab:

Field Description
"Creation User" Contains the full name of resource that has created the record. Non editable.
"Creation Date" Contains the Date time of record registration. Non editable.
"Edit User" Contains the full name of the last resource that has saved the record. Non editable.
"Edit Date" Contains the last Date time of record modification. Non editable.
"Status" This field identify the supplier' status, available values are:
Status Description
Inactive Initial status of Resource enable the Manager to set all the properties
Active Status to set if the Resource to get it operational
Cancelled Status to set if the Resource is no more operational
"Code" Company internal number of the resource. Non editable.
"Name" Name of the Resource.
"Surname" Surname of the Resource.
"Birthday" Date of Birth of the Resource.
"Birth Place" Place of Birth of the Resource.
"Type" This is an attribute of the Resource. The master data for this field are present in /General/Resources/Resource Type.
"External code" This is an attribute of the Resource. Usually is used as external key toward other Company software. E.g.: SAP Employee Number.
"Country" This is an attribute of the Resource. The master data for this field are present in /General/Company/Countries.
"Supplier" This is an attribute of the Resource. The master data for this field are present in /General/Supplier Management/Suppliers.
"Sale Role" This information determines the define the Default profile that will be used by the billing process. The master data for this field are present in /General/Resources/Sale Roles.
"Purchase Role" This information determines the define the Default profile that will be used to charge costs. The master data for this field are present in General/ Resources/Purchase Roles
"Is customer Resource" This is an attribute of the Resource. This flag declare that a resource is linked to a Client
"Customer" This is an attribute link the Resource to the client he/she belongs to.
"Organization Unit" This is an attribute link the Resource to the Organization Unit (OU) of Client he/she belongs too.
"Login" This is an attribute link the Resource. Login is a link towards the User Management information.
"Can declare holiday" If flagged enable the resource to manage his Holiday. Holiday is managed directly in /Personal/Resource calendar.
"Pers.View Right" If flagged enable the resource to manage Personal views
"Client Type" This is an attribute of the Resource. The master data for this field are present in /General/Company/Client Types.
"VIP Type" This is an attribute of the Resource. The master data for this field are present in /General/Resources/VIP Types.
"Can declare illness" If flagged enable the resource to manage his Illness. Illness is managed directly in /Personal/Resource calendar.
"Can switch Accessible Mode" This is an attribute of the Resource. If flagged enable the resource to access the system in Accessible Mode.
"Can open ticket by resource selection" This is an attribute of the Resource. If flagged enable the resource to call "Add Request by Resource". This is a special way to call SRCS session. The value available are:
Field Description
No (Default) SRCS special form is not active for this Resource
Simple Resource can open "Add Request by Resource” but the edit resource information option isn't available
Full Options Resource can open "Add Request by Resource" and the edit resource information option is available
"Resource search Capability" This is an attribute depends of "Can open ticket by resource selection". The value available are:
Field Description
"All Resources" Default value, the "Add Request by Resource" function shown all the active Resources
"Only Resources of OU he/she belongs to" If flagged enable the resource to select in the "Add Request by Resource" function only the resources present in the same Resource OU.
"Only Resources of OUs where Resource is OU Manager" If flagged enable the resource to select in the "Add Request by Resource" function only the resources present all the OUs where he/she is the OU Manager.
"Can Edit Own Resource Data" If flagged enable the resource to update the /Personal/Profile information.
"CMS Access" If flagged enable the resource login to itmSUITE® CMS Module
"User Mapping mode" itmSUITE® CMS is core module that can be called from itmSUITE® PM or itmSUITE® SM or via specific portal. When called from PM/SM we should specify how the connect resource can be seen in CMS.

The available options are:

Access Option Description
System The current resource will be granted with system right on itmSUITE® CMS, so he/she will have the Administrator privileges. (see ASM - Asset and Service Management)
CMS local The current resource should have a login on itmSUITE® CMS. PM /SM login should match with the CMS login. (see ASM - Asset and Service Management)
Suite The current resource login will be used on CMS. The right on CMS will be inherit via Groups Privileges. (see ASM - Asset and Service Management)

For each resource is possible to set different Address. For example, "Headquarters", "Order" addresses. The session enables the user to Add, Delete or Print the list of address.

The list of fields is shown in the table below:

Address tab fields Description
"Address" Used to set Street information
"City" Used to indicate the supplier's city
"Postal code" Used to indicate the supplier's postal code
"District" Used to indicate the supplier's province
"Region" Used to indicate the supplier's region
"Phone" Used to indicate the supplier's phone number. This should be specific by supplier address type, "Headquarters", "Order"
"Mobile" Used to indicate the supplier's Mobile phone number.
"Fax" Used to indicate the supplier's fax number.
"Email" Used to indicate the supplier's Email information.
"Type" This is an attribute of the supplier. The master data for this field are present in /General/Company/Address Types.
"Notes" Used to indicate general notes.
"Country" This is an attribute of the supplier. The master data for this field are present in /General/Company/Countries.
"Use for Ticket Info" if flagged this address will be used to populate the Ticket User Info Tab. information
"Default" if flagged this address will be proposed as default address.

For each resource is possible to add different Documents. The session enables the user to Add, Delete or Print the list of documents.

The list of fields is shown in the table below:

Field Description
"Creation User" Contains the full name of resource that has created the record. Non editable.
"Creation Date" Contains the Date time of record registration. Non editable.
"Edit User" Contains the full name of the last resource that has saved the record. Non editable.
"Edit Date" Contains the last Date time of record modification. Non editable.
"Name" Document name. Populated automatically with the file name, can be change by the user.
"Topic" Identify the area of the document. The Topic follow the document taxonomy
"Type" Identify the type of document. The Type follow the document taxonomy.
"Format" Document can be store in the itmSUITE® Database, default option, or linked to an external source.
"Visibility" This Option enable the user to set the Document visibility.
Field Description
"Private" Only the people that can manage the resource can manage the document.
"Public" in this case the system enable to select the "All Users" flag.
"Description" Additional document description
"Upload Document" document full path or link.

For each resource is possible to Manage Configuration Item. The session enables the user to Add and Associate, Assign to Requester a configuration item. The possibility to see or manage the configuration is granted via the Privileges tab, see below. Anyway if Configuration Item’’ are associated to the resource some property is show to the user. For further detail refer to ASM - Asset and Service Management

For each resource is possible to see the list of Project / Service he/she is involved. The Project/Service tab show also if the resource is "On Budget" on a specific project/service.

For each resource is possible to see the list of SRCS he/she has been enabled.

For each resource is possible to manage the assignment of resource to specific group. The session enables the user to Add, Delete or Print the list of groups. Note:

  1. Adding a resource to groups means add he/she as a Group Member
  2. Deleting resource from a group means delete he/she as a Group Member

For each resource is possible to manage Privileges. There are two possible levels of granularity: visibility or editability and can be assigned at the following entity:

  1. Resources
  2. Price lists

Resource privileges is managed by resource type and Entity. The list of available entity is: <Resource Type>

Entity Description
Tab General view Resource can view General Tab of Resource session
Tab General update Resource can update General Tab of Resource session
Tab Address view Resource can view Address Tab of Resource session
Tab Address update Resource can update Address Tab of Resource session
Tab Document view Resource can view Document Tab of Resource session
Tab Document update Resource can update Document Tab of Resource session
Tab Configuration Item view Resource can view Configuration item Tab of Resource session
Tab Configuration Item update Resource can update Configuration item Tab of Resource session
Tab Project/Service view Resource can view Project/Service Tab of Resource session
Tab Project/Service update Resource can update Project/Service Tab of Resource session
Tab Service Request view Resource can view Service Request Tab of Resource session
Tab Service Request update Resource can update Service Request Tab of Resource session
Tab Group view Resource can view Group Tab of Resource session
Tab Group update Resource can update Group Tab of Resource session
Tab Privileges view Resource can view Privileges Tab of Resource session
Tab Privileges update Resource can update Privileges Tab of Resource session
Tab Cost Items view Resource can view Cost Items Tab of Resource session
Tab Cost Items update Resource can update Cost Items Tab of Resource session

Price list privileges are managed for entity. The list of available entity is:

Entity Description
Price lists view Resource can view Price List definition
Price lists update Resource can update Price List definition
View Price items for projects/services Resource can view Price Items Project / Service definition
Update Price items for projects/services Resource can update Price Items Project / Service definition
View Cost items for resources Resource can view Cost Items definition
Update Cost items for resources Resource can update Cost Items definition

For each resource is possible to manage Cost Items. Resource can manage Cost Item only if enabled in tab Privileges. Cost Item is the instance of a Price Item actualized with the Start Date. E.g a Price Item can be the license of a product. The Cost track and expense the assignment of the license to a resource. The session enables the user to Add, Delete a Cost Item. When a Cost Item is assigned to a resource is important to recorded the quantity and the "Start Date" (Assignment Start Date). To track all figure assigned to a resource is better to set the "End Date" (Assignment End Date) instead of deleting the relationship between Resource and Cost Item.

Add Resource to Project / Service

Resource in a key point of Project and Service management. Without resource is not possible to develop the activities, records costs and benefit. For further detail about this subject refer to Project configuration steps - Resources

Enable a Resource on Service Catalogue Request (SRCS)

itmSUITE® enable the Manager to create a catalogue of request and to distribute it to a resource , groups as well to all the resources that belongs to an Organization unit. For further detail about this subject refer to Workflow Engine Configuration

Timesheet declaration

Timesheet declare can be perform by all the resource except the user with Role "Requester". For further detail about this subject refer to Workflow Engine Configuration or Timesheet Management

Synchronization User & Resource with Active Directory

Resource can be created manually or imported from Active Directory. For further detail about this subject refer to Domain authentication and SSO

Group Management process

The following table report the process the Group is involved

Group Management Description
Group Definition See Above
Add Resource to Group See above on Resource Chapter
Add Group as Profile in a Workflow Workfow mangement
Add Group to Workflow Workfow mangement
Enable a Group on Service Catalogue Request (SRCS) SRCS Management
Profile a Timesheet declaration Timesheet Management

Group Definition

Manage the Group is the entry point to manage group of resources for:

  1. Manage profile role on workflow
  2. Create a visibility or assigned ownership or activity in workflow
  3. Profile the Timesheet declaration.

Group management is done by a Manager Role, using the General/Ticket/Groups . This session enables the Manager / Administrator to: Add, Delete and Print the list of Group.

The Group form presents four tabs:

  1. General
  2. Member
  3. Privileges
  4. Domain Info

Groups deletion is a logical cancellation.

To define a Group is we can insert: The list of fields is shown in the table below:

Field Description
Name Group Name
Description Group description
Default Attribute of group. Usually the manager configures the group using the MDMM function.
Status This field can be Active / Cancelled. Only "Active" group are seen in Workflow Management. changeableness
Menu Access If flagged this Group will be accessible as menu link
Group can't be deleted If flagged this Group can't be accidentally cancelled

General tab enabled to define a group of groups. itmSUITE® enable this selecting the Add Group button.

For each Group is possible to define the Members. Manager can specify directly the list of resource that will be part of it. itmSUITE® presents an EJS grid with the possibility to Add , Filter and Delete the member resource of a group. Deletion in this case perform a physical relationship cancellation between resource and group.

For each group is possible to manage Privileges. There are two categories of privileges:

  1. General Privileges
  2. ASM Privileges

General Privileges can be set for the following entity:

  1. Resources, with the same detail present in Resource / Privileges
  2. Price lists, with the same detail present in Resource / Privileges
  3. Timesheet

Timesheet privileges can be granted on the following entity

Entity Description
Group View Resource Member of group can view all the timesheet that refer to itself
Group Approval Resource Member of group can Approved the timesheet that refer to itself

ASM Privileges, show the Configuration Item Structure present into the itmSUITE® CMS Module. For each folder/sub folder the Administrator can assign the following privileges:

Privilege Description
Read Resource Member of group can view the configuration item present into the folder and read the information.
Update Resource Member of group can view the configuration item present into the folder and update the information.
Read Own Resource Member of group can view the configuration item present into the folder and read the information only of he/she is the Creator of the configuration item.
Update Own Resource Member of group can view the configuration item present into the folder and update the information only of he/she is the Creator of the configuration item.

It is possible also grant the group to:

Privilege Description
Exploration model grant Resource Member of group can run the Exploration Model function
Meta Data grant Resource Member of group can manage the Metadata function

Add Resource to Group

Refer to Member Tab management above.

Add Group as Profile in a Workflow

The Workflow management has been enriched with the possibility to profile Group as Role in a Workflow. With this feature Resource present on a Group can be granted to:

  • Access a ticket
  • Manage a ticket

For further detail see Workflow Management in a Workflow.

Add Group to Workflow

Group is a a key component in Workflow Management. Mainly the Group can act as Profile,say static role, or assume dynamic role, so per ticket.

For further detail see Workflow Management in a Workflow.

Enable a Group on Service Catalogue Request (SRCS)

SRCS is the service catalogue request. itmSUITE® can grant the visibility of a single request to:

  1. Requester(s)
  2. Group(s)
  3. Organization Unit(s)

For further detail see SRCS Management in a Workflow.

Profile a Timesheet declaration

This feature enable the resource to specify the Group he/she was working during the Timesheet registration. This feature is a simple way to categorized Timesheet based on the Business Role assumed by the Resource.

For further detail see Timesheet Management

How to

Set on Resource:

Resource Configuration Link Description
VIP Type General/ Resources/VIP Type This function defines the data source to set the VIP type in Resource master data
Purchase Roles General/ Resources/Purchase Roles This function defines the data source used to set the default value for purchase role in the Resource master data.
Sale Roles General/ Resources/Sale Roles This function defines the data source used to set the default value for sale role in the Resource master data.