Admin user creation

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Still logged as superadmin goto to General/System/User Management and add a user. Add New allows to do it. To complete the user creation, the information listed in the following table shall be provided.

Field Description Characteristics Comments
Login The user identifier for the login. Mandatory
Password The password to access when the user logs in. Mandatory The password shall be confirmed in the Confirm Password field. See Password management page for further information.
Confirm Password The repeated password. Mandatory The value entered shall match Password.
Change Password Mode Mandatory
E-mail The email address associated to the user. Mandatory This mail is used for the system notifications (e.g. password recovery).
Name The name identifying the user. Mandatory E.g. name + surname.
Address The address of the user. Discretionary
Phone The phone number of the user. Discretionary E.g. the land line.
Mobile The mobile number of the user. Discretionary