Standard Function

Da itm wiki.

itmSUITE® propose to a customer a set of Standard function to facilitate the reporting development. These functions are defined at data base level.

The paragraphs below report the standard function collection.

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Function Name Description
getSRCSValue This function return information about SRCS record
getTCFValue This function return information about Ticket Custom field record


Purpose of this function is given to Customer a simple way to view the information connected to SRCS record.


[dbo].[getSRCSValue](@ticketFieldId int, @srcId int, @type int = 0) returns nvarchar(max)

The function expects three parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
ticketFieldId int This is the Ticket field id value. The list of id is visible in __STR_TICKET_FIELD View
srcId int This is the SRCS record id
type int Set 0 if you want to return as result of the function the a string value; 1 id we want to return the ID of the result. E.g: if the ticketFieldId = 18, Solution Group, when the type is set to 0 the function return the Solution Group name, when is set to 1 it return the Solution group ID

and return a string value.

If for a specific ticketFieldId the function return blank, call the support to check if the specific field management is implemented


Purpose of this function is given to Customer a simple way to view the information connected to Custom field valorized in a Ticket record.


[dbo].[getTCFValue](@custiomFieldId int, @ticketId int) returns nvarchar(max)

The function expects three parameters:

Parameter Name Type Description
custiomFieldId int This is the Custom field id value. The list of id is visible in __STR_TICKET_FIELD_VIEW
ticketId int This is the id of Ticket. Ticket id is visible using the __STR_TICKET_VIEW View