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Versione del 30 ott 2018 alle 14:16 di Francesco.bertuletti (discussione | contributi) (SERVICE CATALOGUE REQUEST (SRCS)VIEW)

itmSUITE® propose to a customer a set of Standard view to facilitate the reporting development. The paragraphs below report the standard view collection and explains the relation between data’s


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_COMPANY_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Description
ID int (4) Company Id
NAME nvarchar (400) Name of the company
DESCRIPTION nvarchar (400) Description of the company
STATUS nvarchar (510) Company Status
APPLICATION_URL nvarchar (512) Applicaiton url, use to set a detail link information in notification
CONTACTS nvarchar (400) Email of Application referent
TIMEZONE nvarchar (64) Company Time Zone
DURATION_FORMAT nvarchar (510) Unit of measure of Timesheet declaration
LABOURUNIT_ID int (4) id of Labor
LABOUR_UNIT nvarchar (8000) Unit of Measure of Labor. This is the unit of measure use in Budget estimation


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_CLIENT_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Description
COMPANY_ID int (4) Company Id
ID int (4) Client Id
CODE int (4) Company internal identifier
NAME nvarchar (400) Client Name
PARENT_ID int (4) Parent Client id
CLSTATUS_ID int (4) Status id
CLIENT_STATUS nvarchar (8000) Status name
CLTYPE_ID int (4) Id of client type
CLIENT_TYPE nvarchar (512) Client Type
CREATOR_ID int (4) Client Creator id
NATION_ID int (4) Country id
NATION nvarchar (512) Country Name
LANGUAGE_ID int (4) Language Id
LANGUAGE nvarchar (512) Language Name
PAYMENTTERM_ID int (4) Payment terms id
PAYMENTTERM nvarchar (512) Payment terms
REMARK nvarchar (400) REMARKs
TAX_NUMBER nvarchar (100) Vat number
AII bit (1) Flag stated that All Invoice has been Issued
creationDate datetime (8) Record creation date, Automatic field
creationuser nvarchar (512) Record creation user, Automatic field
revisionDate datetime (8) Record creation date, Automatic field
revisionUser nvarchar (512) Record creation user, Automatic field


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_CLIENT_ORGANIZATION_UNIT_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Description
ID int (4) Organization Unit Id
CODE int (4) Organization Unit internal identifier
NAME nvarchar (512) Organization Unit name
STATUS nvarchar (510) Organization Unit status
CLIENT_ID int (4) Reference to client the Organization Unit belongs to
PARENT_ID int (4) Reference to father Organization Unit
PATH nvarchar (8000) Chain of Organization Unit
CUSTOM_FIELD_1 nvarchar (2048) Custom field available to store metadata
CUSTOM_FIELD_2 nvarchar (2048) Custom field available to store metadata
CUSTOM_FIELD_3 nvarchar (2048) Custom field available to store metadata
CUSTOM_FIELD_4 nvarchar (2048) Custom field available to store metadata
CUSTOM_FIELD_5 nvarchar (2048) Custom field available to store metadata
CUSTOM_FIELD_6 nvarchar (2048) Custom field available to store metadata
ADDRESS nvarchar (400) Organization Unit Address
POSTAL_CODE nvarchar (200) Organization Unit Postal Code
CITY nvarchar (200) Organization Unit City
REGION nvarchar (200) Organization Unit Region
NATION nvarchar (512) Organization Unit Nation
PHONE nvarchar (200) Organization Unit Phone number
FAX nvarchar (200) Organization Unit Fax number
MAIL nvarchar (200) Organization Unit Email address
REMARK nvarchar (400) Organization Unit Address remark


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_RESOURCE_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Description
COMPANY_ID int (4) Company Id
ID int (4) Resource Id
CODE int (4) Resource internal identifier
LOGIN nvarchar (400) Resource login
NAME nvarchar (400) Resource name
SURNAME nvarchar (400) Resource surname
FULLNAME nvarchar (802) Resource surname + name
RESOURCE_STATUS_ID int (4) Resource Status id
RESOURCE_STATUS nvarchar (512) Resource Status name
CREATOR_ID int (4) Resource Creator id
NATION_ID int (4) Resource Nation id
NATION nvarchar (512) Nation
CLIENT_ID int (4) Id of client the resource belongs to
CLIENT nvarchar (400) Name of client the resource belongs to
ORGANIZATION_UNIT_ID int (4) Organization Unit id the resource belongs to
PATH nvarchar (8000) Organization Unit path
SALEROLE_ID int (4) Sale Role id, this information can drive sales revenue amount
SALES_ROLE nvarchar (512) Sale Role name
SUPPLIER_ID int (4) Id of supplier the resource belongs to
SUPPLIER nvarchar (400) Name of supplier the resource belongs to
PURCHASEROLE_ID int (4) Purchase Role id, this information can drive Purchase cost amount
PURCHASE_ROLE nvarchar (512) Purchase Role name
BIRTH_DAY datetime (8) Resource birth day
BIRTH_PLACE nvarchar (400) Resource birth Place
EXTERNALCODE nvarchar (400) Field used to store external resource reference
RESTYPE_ID int (4) Id of Resource type
VIP_TYPE int (4) Resource type name
CANDECLAREHOLIDAY bit (1) Flag that identify if the resource can declare his own holiday
CANDECLAREILLNESS bit (1) Flag that identify if the resource can declare his own illness
IS_EDIT_RESOURCE_DATA bit (1) This flag enable the resource to modify his own data
IS_PERSONAL_VIEW_RIGHT bit (1) This flag enable the resource to define personal view
CMS_ACCESS bit (1) This flag enable the resource to access the Configuration Management System
USER_MAPPING_MODE nvarchar (510)
creationDate datetime (8) Record creation date, Automatic field
creationuser nvarchar (512) Record creation user, Automatic field
revisionDate datetime (8) Record creation date, Automatic field
revisionUser nvarchar (512) Record creation user, Automatic field


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_PROJECT_SERVICE_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Description
COMPANY_ID int (4) Company Id
ID int (4) Project Id
CODE int (4) Project internal identifier
MAIN_TYPE_ID int (4) Automatically field by system
MAIN_TYPE varchar (7) This field can assume Project or Service value
GANTT_ESTIMATION_MODE nvarchar (510) This field can assume Budget or Forecast value
NAME nvarchar (400) Project Name
DESCRIPTION nvarchar (400) Project Description
OBJECTIVES nvarchar (1600) Project Objectives
COMMENT nvarchar (1600) Project Comments
OPER_START_DATE datetime (8) Internal Operational Start Date
OPER_END_DATE datetime (8) Internal Operational Start End
EFFECTIVE_START datetime (8) Actual Start Date
EFFECTIVE_END datetime (8) Actual End Date
INITIAL_EXPECTED_START datetime (8) Initial expected Start Date
INITIAL_EXPECTED_END datetime (8) Initial expected Start Date
CURRENT_EXPECTED_START datetime (8) Current Start Date
CURRENT_EXPECTED_END datetime (8) Current End Date
CLIENT_ID int (4) Id of client the resource belongs to
CLIENT nvarchar (512) Name of client the resource belongs to
CREATOR_ID int (4) Resource Creator id
CURRENCY_ID int (4) Currency id
currency nvarchar (512) Currency
FINALCLIENT_ID int (4) Second reference on Client id
FINALCLIENT nvarchar (400) Second reference Client Name
PARENT_PRJ_ID int (4) Parent project id
PRJADMSTATUS_ID int (4) Project administrative status id
PROJECT_ADM_STATUS nvarchar (8000) Project administrative
PRJ_CLASS_ID int (4) Project Class id
CLASS nvarchar (400) Project Class
PRJOPSTATUS_ID int (4) Project Operative status id
PROJECT_STATUS nvarchar (8000) Project Operative
PRJTYPE_ID int (4) Project Type id
PROJECT_TYPE nvarchar (512) Project Type
STATPRJ_ID int (4) Statistical project id
STATISTICAL nvarchar (512) Statistical project id
EXTERNAL_CODE nvarchar (100) External reference code
creationDate datetime (8) Record creation date, Automatic field
creationuser nvarchar (512) Record creation user, Automatic field
revisionDate datetime (8) Record creation date, Automatic field
revisionUser nvarchar (512) Record creation user, Automatic field


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_PROJECT_SERVICE_ACTIVITY_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Description
id int (4) Project Activity Id
CODE int (4) Project Activity internal identifier
ORDERING_NUMBER int (4) Sort order
TASK_NAME nvarchar (2048) Task name
DESCRIPTION nvarchar (1000) Task Description
START_DATE datetime (8) Activity start date
END_DATE datetime (8) Activity end date
ACTPRIORITY_ID int (4) Activity priority id
PRIORITY nvarchar (512) Priority
ACTSTATUS_ID int (4) Activity status id
STATUS nvarchar (512) Activity status
ACTIVITY_TYPE_ID int (4) Activity type id
ACTIVITY_TYPE nvarchar (512) Activity type
PRJ_ID int (4) Project reference id
PROJECT nvarchar (400) Project Name
DURATION float (8) Estimated duration of task
creationDate datetime (8) Record creation date, Automatic field
creationUser nvarchar (512) Record creation date, Automatic field
revisionDate datetime (8) Record creation date, Automatic field
revisionUser nvarchar (512) Record creation date, Automatic field


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_TICKET_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

RESOLUTION_CAUSE || nvarchar (512)|| Ticket resolution cause reference
Field Name Field Type Description
COMPANY_ID int (4) Company Id
ID int (4) Project Id
CODE int (4) Project internal identifier
TICKETTYPE_ID int (4) Ticket type reference id
TICKET_TYPE nvarchar (512) Ticket type name
PROJECT_ID int (4) Project reference id
PROJECT nvarchar (400) Project Name
SERVICE_REQUEST_ID int (4) Service catalogue request reference id
SERVICE_REQUEST nvarchar (1024) Service catalogue request reference name
CURRENT_SERVICE_REQUEST_ID int (4) Current Service catalogue request reference id
CURRENT_SERVICE_REQUEST nvarchar (1024) Current Service catalogue request reference name
SHORT_DESCRIPTION nvarchar (-1) Ticket short description
DESCRIPTION nvarchar (-1) Ticket Description
ANALYSIS nvarchar (-1) Ticket Analisys description
SOLUTION nvarchar (-1) Ticket Solution description
WORKAROUND nvarchar (-1) Ticket Workaound description
COMMENTS nvarchar (-1) Ticket Comments
OWNER_ID int (4) Ticket Owner Resource reference
OWNER nvarchar (512) Ticket Owner Resource
REQUESTER_ID int (4) Ticket Requester reference id
REQUESTER nvarchar (802) Ticket Requester reference
RESOURCE_ID int (4) Ticket Resource reference id
RESOURCE nvarchar (802) Ticket Resource reference
REQUIRED_SOLUTION_DATE datetime (8) Ticket required solution date
FORECAST_SOLUTION_DATE datetime (8) Forecast solution date of ticket
SOLUTIONGROUP_ID int (4) Group reference id. At each group per workflow is assigned a specific role.
DSG1 nvarchar (512) Group reference name
MASTER_SOLUTIONGROUP_ID int (4) Group reference id
DSG2 nvarchar (512) Group reference name
THIRD_SOLUTIONGROUP_ID int (4) Group reference id
DSG3 nvarchar (512) Group reference name
DSG4_ID int (4) Group reference id
DSG4 nvarchar (512) Group reference name
DSG5_ID int (4) Group reference id
DSG5 nvarchar (512) Group reference name
DSG6_ID int (4) Group reference id
DSG6 nvarchar (512) Group reference name
WORKFLOW_ID int (4) Workflow reference id
WORKFLOW_DESCRIPTION nvarchar (2048) Workflow description
WORKFLOW_TICKET_ADM_STATUS_ID int (4) Workflow administrarive status id
WORKFLOW_TICKET_ADM_STATUS nvarchar (512) Workflow administrarive status
WORKFLOW_TICKET_OP_STATUS_ID int (4) Workflow operative status id
WORKFLOW_TICKET_OP_STATUS nvarchar (512) Workflow operative status
RESOLUTION_CAUSE_ID int (4) Ticket resolution cause reference id
TICKET_CLOSURE_CAUSE_ID int (4) Ticket closure cause reference id
TICKET_CLOSURE_CAUSE nvarchar (512) Ticket closure cause reference
REQUESTED_PRIORITY_ID int (4) Ticket requested priority id
REQUESTED_PRIORITY nvarchar (512) Ticket requested priority
TARGET_ENVIRONMENT_ID int (4) Target environment reference id
TARGET_ENVIRONMENT nvarchar (512) Target environment reference
TICKET_IMPACT_ID int (4) Ticket impact id
TICKET_IMPACT nvarchar (512) Ticket impact reference
TICKET_URGENCY_ID int (4) Ticket urgency id
TICKET_UREGENCY nvarchar (512) Ticket urgency reference
TICKET_PRIORITY_ID int (4) Ticket priority id, usually this is calculated field value based on Ticket Impact and Urgency
TICKET_PRIORITY nvarchar (512) Ticket priority reference
TICKET_ACTIVITY_TEMPLATE_ID int (4) Ticket activity id of template used to load the Ticket activity
TICKET_ACTIVITY_TEMPLATE nvarchar (200) Ticket activity template used to load the Ticket activity
TUPLE_TICKET_AREA_ID int (4) First level of Standard Tuple. Ticket Area reference id
TUPLE_TICKET_AREA nvarchar (512) First level of Standard Tuple. Ticket Area reference name
TUPLE_TICKET_CATEGORY_ID int (4) Second level of Standard Tuple. Ticket Category reference id
TUPLE_TICKET_CATEGORY nvarchar (512) Second level of Standard Tuple. Ticket Category reference name
TUPLE_TICKET_TOPIC_ID int (4) Third level of Standard Tuple. Ticket Topic reference id
TUPLE_TICKET_TOPIC nvarchar (512) Third level of Standard Tuple. Ticket Topic reference name
ESTIMATION_START datetime (8) Ticket Estimation Start range date
ESTIMATION_END datetime (8) Ticket Estimation End range date
ESTIMATION_DATE datetime (8) Ticket Estimation cutoff date
ESTIMATION_MODE int (4) Ticket Estimation mode
COST_METHOD nvarchar (510) Ticket cost method, can assume a value Standard or Fixed Cost Only
ATTACHMENT_PRESENT bit (1) Flag stated at least on document is attached to a ticket
ACTIVITY_ASSIGN varchar (21) This field can assume a value Activity Not Assigned or Activity Assigned
TICKET_USER_INFO_ID int (4) Ticket requester information reference id
CREATION_DATE datetime (8) Record creation date, Automatic field
CREATION_USER nvarchar (512) Record creation date, Automatic field
REVISION_DATE datetime (8) Record creation date, Automatic field
REVISION_USER nvarchar (512) Record creation date, Automatic field
CLOSE_DATE datetime (8) Ticket close date
CLOSE_USER nvarchar (512) Ticket close user


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_TICKET_ACTIVITY_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Description
COMPANY_ID int (4) Company Id
ID int (4) Ticket activity Id
CODE int (4) Ticket activity internal identifier
TICKET_ACTIVITY_TYPE_ID int (4) Ticket Activity type reference id
TICKET_ACTIVITY_TYPE nvarchar (1600) Ticket Activity type reference name
TICKET_ACTIVITY_SUB_TYPE_ID int (4) Ticket Activity Subtype reference id
TICKET_ACTIVITY_SUB_TYPE nvarchar (1000) Ticket Activity Subtype reference name
TICKET_ACTIVITY_STATUS_ID int (4) Ticket Activity status reference id
TICKET_ACTIVITY_STATUS nvarchar (8000) Ticket Activity status reference name
NAME nvarchar (512) Ticket Activity Name
DESCRIPTION nvarchar (-1) Ticket Activity Description
COMMENTS nvarchar (-1) Ticket Activity Comment
TICKET_ID int (4) Ticket reference id
ASSIGNEE nvarchar (8000) Resource reference name
SOLUTIONGROUP_ID int (4) Group reference id
DURATION float (8) Estimated duration of task
REQUIRED_START_DATE datetime (8) Ticket required solution start date
REQUIRED_END_DATE datetime (8) Ticket required solution end+ date
FORECASTED_START_DATE datetime (8) Forecast solution start date of ticket
FORECASTED_END_DATE datetime (8) Forecast solution end date of ticket
EFFECTIVE_START_DATE datetime (8) Actaul solution start date of ticket
EFFECTIVE_END_DATE datetime (8) Actual solution end date of ticket
PAID bit (1) If true the recored Timesheet hours are taken in account into the balance column of estimation
ORDERING_NUMBER int (4) Sort Order
CREATION_DATE datetime (8) Record creation date, Automatic field
CREATION_USER nvarchar (512) Record creation date, Automatic field
REVISION_DATE datetime (8) Record creation date, Automatic field
REVISION_USER nvarchar (512) Record creation date, Automatic field


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_TICKET_CONFIGURATION_ITEM_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Description
COMPANY_ID int (4) Company Id
ID int (4) Configuration Item Id
GUID nvarchar (100) Configuration Item GUID
NAME nvarchar (510) Configuration Item Name
TYPE nvarchar (510) Configuration Item type
TICKET_ID int (4) Ticket reference id


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_TICKET_CUSTOM_FIELDS_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Description
ID int (4) Ticket custom field reference Id
NAME nvarchar (512) Ticket custom field reference Name
TYPE nvarchar (8000) This field contains the type of the data inserted
VALUE nvarchar (-1) Ticket custom field value
TICKET_ID int (4) Ticket reference id


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_TICKET_ESTIMATION_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Description


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_TICKET_FIELD_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Description
ID int (4) Field reference Id
NAME nvarchar (256) Field reference Name
TICKET_FIELD_TYPE_ID nvarchar (255) This field contains the type of the data inserted. Three possible values can be present
  • "PREDEFINED": used to define that the field is a Standard Field
  • "CUSTOM": used to define that the field is a Custom Field
  • "OBJECTIVE":automatically added by the system when the cusomer declare an Objective


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_TICKET_OCE_OBJECTIVE_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Description


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_TICKET_RELATED_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Description


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_TICKET_USER_INFO_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Description


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_TICKET_USER_NOTE_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Description


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_TICKET_WORKER_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Description


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_TIMESHEET_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Description
COMPANY_ID int (4) Company Id
ID int (4) Timesheet Id
CODE int (4) Timesheet internal identifier
PRJ_ID int (4) Project reference id
PROJECT nvarchar (400) Project Name
CURRENCY_ID int (4) Currency reference id
CURRENCY nvarchar (512) Currency reference name
RESRC_ID int (4) Resource reference id
RESOURCE nvarchar (802) Resource reference
GROUP_ID int (4) Group reference id
GROUP nvarchar (512) Group reference name
WPLACE_ID int (4) Location reference id
LOCATION nvarchar (512) Location reference name
PURCHASE_ROLE_ID int (4) Pruchase Role reference id
PURCHASE_ROLE nvarchar (512) Pruchase Role reference name
ACTIVITY_DATE datetime (8) Timesheet activity date
DURATION float (8) Timesheet duration. This is the duration declared in a resource section
PM_DURATION float (8) Timesheet duration. This is the duration declared in a PM section
MANAGER_DURATION float (8) Timesheet duration. This is the duration declared in a Manager section
ACT_DESCRIPTION nvarchar (2000) Timesheet Actvity description. This is the duration declared in a resource section
PM_ACT_DESCRIPTION nvarchar (2000) Timesheet Actvity description. This is the duration declared in a PM section
MANAGER_ACT_DESCRIPTION nvarchar (2000) Timesheet Actvity description. This is the duration declared in a Manager section
ACTIVITY_ID int (4) Timesheet Actvity id. This is the id related to a resource section
PM_ACTIVITY_ID int (4) Timesheet Actvity id. This is the id related to a PM section
MANAGER_ACTIVITY_ID int (4) Timesheet Actvity id. This is the id related to a Manager section
TICKET_ID int (4) Ticket reference id
TICKETACTIVITY_ID int (4) Ticket Activity reference id
TICKETDESCRIPTION nvarchar (8000) Ticket Activity description, copied from Ticket Activity
TICKETCOMMENTS nvarchar (8000) Ticket Activity Comment
ROWRPMSTAT_ID int (4) Timesheet Operational status Resource / PM section
ROWMSTAT_ID int (4) Timesheet Operational status Manager section
COMMENT nvarchar (400) Comment inserted by resource
PM_COMMENT nvarchar (400) Comment inserted by PM
MANAGER_COMMENT nvarchar (400) Comment inserted by Manager
creationDate datetime (8) Record creation date, Automatic field
creationUser nvarchar (512) Record creation date, Automatic field
revisionDate datetime (8) Record creation date, Automatic field
revisionUser nvarchar (512) Record creation date, Automatic field


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_TUPLE_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Description
ID int Tuple Identifier
CODE int Tuple Identifier
COMPANY_ID int Company Identifier
TUPLE_NAME varchar(256) Tupla Name
TUPLE_AREA_ID int First level of Tuple, Area, Identifier
TUPLE_AREA varchar(256) Tuple Area Name
TUPLE_CATEGORY_ID int Second level of Tuple, Category, Identifier
TUPLE_CATEGORY varchar(256) Tuple Category Name
TUPLE_TOPIC_ID int Third level of Tuple, Topic, Identifier
TUPLE_TOPIC varchar(256) Tuple Topic Name


This view report some company information. The View's name is: _STD_PROJECT_SERVICE_ACTIVITY_VIEW

The information reported are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Description
CATALOGO nvarchar (2048) Identify a complete set of service catalogue requests
SECTION nvarchar (512) Sub session of catalogue of requests
TOPIC_1 nvarchar (1024) Level 1 of nested level of section
TOPIC_2 nvarchar (1024) Level 2 of nested level of section
TOPIC_3 nvarchar (1024) Level 3 of nested level of section
ID int (4) Service request catalogue Id
SERVICE_REQUEST nvarchar (1024) Service catalogue request reference name
ENABLED bit (1) Flag stated if the SRCS request is enabled
PROJECT_ID int (4) Project reference id
TICKET_TYPE_ID int (4) Ticket type reference id
TRANSITION_RULE_ID int (4) Transition rule activated when a new ticket is created
PROJECT nvarchar (400) Project Name
TICKET_TYPE nvarchar (512) Ticket type reference name
TRANSITION_RULE nvarchar (512) Transition rule name
TATPL_ID int Ticket Activity Template id
TA_TEMPLATE int Ticket Activity Template name
SOLUTIONGROUP nvarchar (-1) Group reference name
MASTER_SOLUTIONGROUP nvarchar (-1) Group reference name
OWNER nvarchar (-1) Owner reference name
TAB_RESOURCES nvarchar (-1) Tab of SRCS session used to grant a request to Resources
TAB_SOLUTIONGROUP nvarchar (-1) Tab of SRCS session used to grant a request to Groups
TAB_ORGANIZATIONUNIT nvarchar (-1) Tab of SRCS session used to grant a request to Organization Unit