Domain authentication and SSO

Da itm wiki.
Versione del 21 mar 2016 alle 14:47 di Renato.daverio (discussione | contributi) (Domain connection)

This page contains detailed information on the configuration of LDAP / NTLM.

Domain connection

Domain connection(s) can be managed in General\System\LM Settings with superadmin role.

In tab LDAP Properties is possible to manage a list of domain connection(s)

Field Description Comment
Configuration Name TBC.
Host TBC.
Server Type TBC.
Active TBC. TBC.

By click on button Add New is possible to add a domain connection filling the following properties

Field Description Comment
Configuration Name TBC.
Host TBC.
Server Type TBC.
Bind User TBC.
Bind Password TBC. TBC.
Active TBC. TBC.
Sample user's login TBC. TBC.
Sample user's password TBC. TBC.
Checked TBC. TBC.

A domain connection shall be activable only after it was checked: use button Check to verify it. At click on button Check: itmSUITE will try to send a request to domain with inserted credentials.

If at least 1 connection is active the users with same login on domain could use domain credentials instead of itmSUITE crdentials.

In this case the authentication follows these steps:

  • 1. itmSUITE check if login inserted is existing in its DB, otherwise access is not allowed
  • 2. itmSUITE send a request with pair login, password to domain controller
  • 3. The domain controller check if the login inserted is existing in domain and if password is correct
  • 4. If domain controller respose is positive: itmSUITE allows access
  • 5. If domain controller response is negative: itmSUITE check password on its DB and grants access if check is positive, otherwise access is not allowed

More than one connection to domain(s) can be active at the same time: in this case the above step 2 is executed on each active connction.

Use of SSO (Single Sign On)

Sync itmSUITE Users with Domain users